Senin, 20 September 2010

Piss on Week 9.20.10

Warning!! No one in the following blog post is actually being pissed on. It is simply an expression meant to discribe how outrageous and unforgiveable the actions of the following people really are. Anyone who fines this segment offensive has the right and the duty to be pissed on as well.


Professional Rationalist

10. Death at a Funeral

The only way I could possibly piss on an all-star movie cast featuring Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock and Tracey Morgan would be if they were to remake a film that literally came out three years before.

Death at a Funeral Trailer

9. Carl Greene

The Director of the Philadelphia Housing Authority recently foreclosed on his $615,035 home. Talk about irony. I guess if anyone can relate to Housing Authority tenants falling behind on rent it should be this guy.

8. Nyjer Morgan

I honestly think this guy had every intention of making my list this week. His actions in a game against the Florida Marlins sealed his fate.

There is nothing wrong with charging the pitcher, but when you get beat up by an entire team and walk away as though you were victorious, we have to get ya.

7. Pregnant Smokers

Hey ladies! It’s not 1954. You all know the risks of smoking during a pregnancy. Put down the cigs and pick up a book of names for crying out loud.

6. Joaquin Phoenix

If the star is not showing up for the movie premier then why should anyone go see it?

I’m pissing on the deranged actor for all of the pissed off fans who were in attendance.

5. Pajamas

Wearing pajamas is like going to sleep in a dress shirt.

I’m giving the business to anyone who doesn’t know how to let loose. Grab an old tee shirt and go to bed.

4.Burger King Breakfast

Burger King gets the business for trying to offer me the most important meal of the day when they haven’t perfected their french fries yet.

3. Rev. Terry Jones

I didn’t listen to much of what the Priest said when I was in Catholic School, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t say anything about burning the Quran.

Jones gets the business for not doing on to others as he would want others do on to him.

2. Shake Weight

Now I’ve seen everything! I’m not going to say what it looks like these gents are doing.

I’m just going to say that it deserves making this week’s list.

1. Antonio Cromartie
I love kids as much as the next guy. But when you can’t remember how many you have, it’s time for us to give you a 1,000 box of condoms and a #1 spot in this week’s urination.

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