Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Piss on You Week 1.12.09

Who do you call into a situation when you need a common sense answer? Me! I believe that 1+1 is always 2 and if you don't agree you're an idiot. John Butler, Professional Rationalist here to give you the only perspective that matters, MINE. (I'll give you a second to hum the theme music of Shaft.)

As many of you may know, I am a firm believer that idiots should be pissed on. Why you ask? It's the ultimate form of disrespect. Punching someone out is soo 90s, Slapping them is too reminiscent of WWF, and spitting on them is not manly at all. The only alternative is to pee on them, preferably by the ankles. Without further adieu, here is this week's list of people who deserve to be pissed on.

4. Amerie and Jaheim

Whose bright idea was it to give these luke warm singers greatest hits albums? Bet you can’t name 5 songs from each of them? I’ll wait. Tupac can have a greatest hits album. Gladys Knight can have one; hell even the Pips but these two just get pissed on.

3. Darko Milicic

Perhaps if he was this agreesive on the court he wouldn’t be a bum. Being pissed off gets Darko pissed on

2. Jim Carey

Mr. Funny Man has a new movie where he has to say yes to everything. Is it just me or does this sound a lot like Liar Liar all over again. Pissed on for lack of originality.

1. Soulja Boy
I’m not pissing on youngin’ for his dumb comments, or outlandish clothing. But for having a video game scheduled to release in ’09. I’m only playing if I can pee on him for bonus points.

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