Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

Week of 1.5.09 Pissed on

Who do you call into a situation when you need a common sense answer? Me! I believe that 1+1 is always 2 and if you don't agree you're an idiot. John Butler, Professional Rationalist here to give you the only perspective that matters, MINE. (I'll give you a second to hum the theme music of Shaft.)

As many of you may know, I am a firm believer that idiots should be pissed on. Why you ask? It's the ultimate form of disrespect. Punching someone out is soo 90s, Slapping them is too reminiscent of WWF, and spitting on them is not manly at all. The only alternative is to pee on them, preferably by the ankles. Without further adieu, here is this week's list of people who deserve to be pissed on.

8. Charles Barkley

I’m just as surprised as you Chuck. You’re my hero. For Pete’s sake we share the same middle name. But you crossed the line when you dissed LeBron for wanting to win the title. You get pissed on for jealousy.

7. Nikki Giavasis
Beautiful body, but a dumb mind. Ms. Nikki Giavasis had a baby by Shawn Kemp and convicted murderer Jessie Davis. You sure do know how to pick em babe.

6. Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce gets “wet up” for letting one ring go to his head. FYI Buddy… Champions don’t chill with chicks wearing leopard skirts at dollar parties.

5. Chris and Neef

The Young Gunz should have been in a studio in New York or Cali this weekend, finally reaching their true potential; Not in a sweatbox club on Delaware Avenue.

4. Beyonce

For having a man pose as a woman in the “Single Ladies” video. In case you didn’t know, the one to her right is rumored to be the guy who choreographed the video. Don’t believe me, watch it for yourself.

3. Ronald McDonald

Yeah, I’m going after Ronald McDonald for all those nut ass commercials with black people singing and talking Jive. This one just put me over the top.

2. Kanye West

808 and Heartbreaks should have been condensed to four songs. Allow me to warm up your “Coldest Winter” Kanye.

1. Plaxico Burgess

Plaxico makes number one on this list for obvious reasons. Who shoots themselves by accident? He is well deserving of the shake before I zip it up and get out of here until next time.

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