Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Life: Driving on the Expressway

The expressway can turn the most god-fearing, caring, kind, man or woman into a natural born killer, gangsta rapper, or racist. Breaking in the passing lane, failure to use a turn signal, cutting someone off, driving in a four wheeler's blind spot, cruising in the passing lane, and my favorite: pumping the breaks for no apparent reason, can make someone say or do things that they normally condem.

Driving on the expressway is like a live version on the MTV show "Boiling Point." On a particular bad day, you start to think that your car has been bugged with candid cameras.

Cursing is permitted by all ages. Racial slurs are fair game. The use of middle finger is actually considered a common reaction.

So to all you bad drivers, god bless, happy birthday, safe travels, and stay the "F" out of our way!

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