Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Piss on Week 1.25.10

Warning!! No one in the following blog post is actually being pissed on. It is simply an expression meant to discribe how outrageous and unforgiveable the actions of the following people really are. Anyone who fines this segment offensive has the right and the duty to be pissed on as well.


Professional Rationalist

10. Drank

You’ve heard of energy drinks to keep you going, but how about a beverage intended to wear you out.

Drank gets pissed on for being the most ignorant beverage since Colt 45.

9. and 8. Bus Drivers and Teachers

Every four years Septa bus drivers and Philadelphia teachers beg for a raise because they are allegedly not being paid enough money. Meanwhile they make more money than everyone in the city but doctors and lawyers.

They get the business for being greedy.

7. YaVaughnie Wilkins

This woman decided to make her affair with a married software executive public by putting pics of them together on billboards in New York, Atlanta and San Francisco.

She gets the business for breaking up a happy home.

6. Jay –Z

I didn’t want to believe the rumors that Jay-Z was a devil worshiper, but his latest music video “On to the Next One” has me worried. I read somewhere that urine helps to keep evil spirits away.

I’m sorry Hov, but I’ve got to give you the business to be on the safe side.

5. Manny Pacquiao

I was looking forward to the biggest boxing match in years as Manny Pacquiao was set to take on Floyd Mayweather. Too bad it won’t happen because they couldn’t agree on a drug testing policy.

Manny gets the business for being scarred of needles.

4. White’s Only Basketball League

I thought we were passed the days of separate water fountains for black and whites and all other types of racism. I guess the idiot that wants a basketball league for white people only didn’t get the memo.

Pissed on.

3. Maury Dances

I’m giving the business to all of those stupid dances people do when they find out that they are not the father, starting with this one.

2. Bow Wow

Drinking and driving is dumb. Drinking while sending messages on Twitter is reckless.

Bow Wow sending messages on Twitter about how drunk he is while driving is just plain piss worthy.

1. Drexel University

Seriously?!?! You are going to wait until after I graduate to put a Chick-fil-A on campus?

Piss-worthy indeed.

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