Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Where is the Good Cop?

Every year a new series of cop shows premier on television with a similar premise. Cops patrolling the mean inner streets, taking down the bad guys, while managing to spare enough time to shoot hoops with the neighborhood kids and hit up the local bar for a beer. These shows pride themselves on being authentic to the life that officers take on when they wear the badge. I’ve taken the time to watch a few of these shows and I have one issue with the good cop-bad cop premise: Where is the good cop in real life?

I never see the officer who saves the cat from the tree or helps an old woman cross the street. I have witnessed a cop open a bottle of liquor and poor it in someone’s car and I have been pulled over and told by a police officer, “I don’t want to have to put you in a body bag.” Some may argue that my experiences are rare, and perhaps I put myself in compromising situations. But what about the 72 year-old grandmother that was so strong that a police officer had to tase her.

What is the world coming to when you can’t tell the difference between an officer of the law and a member of the Bloods Gang. I’m tired of cops being put on desk duty for exhibiting heinous behavior. I’m tired of hearing about sensitivity training for rookies. I want change and I want it now!

Yes there are true criminals that officers must protect the public from as well as themselves. Of course in these situations officers must use more force than they would in a routine traffic stop. My only cry is that they use their manpower and tactics to minimize true crime, as opposed to exercising strategic brutality. The question is how many more videos like the one below will we have to see before a change occurs.

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