Selasa, 07 April 2009

Piss on Week 4.5.09

9. Hot Dog Toss

It has become customary during the course of professional baseball games for the mascot to shoot hot dogs into the stands.

I’m pissing on the people who damn near break their necks for a demolished hot dog that has been shot 400 feet out of an unsanitary cannon, when they can buy an edible one for two bucks.

Phillie Phanatic Shooting Hot Dogs Citizens Bank Park

8. Hollis Thomas

This NFL pro gets the business for finding it acceptable to leave the house in full SponegeBob gear.

7. The Brady Rule

Just because the NFL’s golden boy got hurt last season, the league has decided to alter the rules once again to protect its QBs.

The Brady Rule gets the business for putting the NFL one step closer to becoming a flag football league.

6. Penis Painter

Some spoiled brat thought it would be funny to paint a 60-foot penis on the roof of his parents’ mansion.

I‘m giving him the business for a poor sense of humor and I’m saving some for his parent for not giving him the beating of a lifetime when they discovered the image.

5. Chantelle Steadman

Chantelle is a perfect candidate for the next episode of Maury…16 years old and not sure who the father of her baby is. She also became a perfect candidate to be pissed on when she tried to say that this poor child is her baby’s daddy.

4. Officer Robert Powell
I’m too pissed off to even speak on this one.

Just watch. Ryan, my deepest sympathies.

Robert Powell Ryan Moats Dash Cam video Part 1 of 2

Robert Powell Ryan Moats Dash Cam video Part 2 of 2

3. Obama Fried Chicken

I like President Obama. Cool dude. I also like chicken, but never do I need the two of them together.

Whoever though that Obama Fried Chicken was a good idea gets the business. The shake before the zip goes to anyone who dares grab a two piece, biscuit and coleslaw from this establishment.

2. Shrimp Seeker

At some point and time we have all ordered a meal and were a bit disappointed with the portions. Most of us share our disdain with our friends, vow never to eat there again, and shut up and eat whatever is on the plate. Not this woman who decided to call the police because she had been deprived of an appropriate amount of shrimp with her shrimp fried rice.

1. Day 26

Day 26 is the latest R&B group to come out of the “Making the Band” TV series. If you have ever watched the show before you understand that all groups have their quarrels. These guys are getting the business for arguing like a bunch of women. I’m sorry, but are they crying during a fist fight?

Que & Brian of Day 26 Fight in the Studio (Making The Band)

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