Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

It's so hard to say good bye!

I like people. I really do. I would consider myself a people person by nature. However, I do have my limits. I HATE THE FIST BUMP. It is one of the few issues that I have with our new President, Barack Obama.

I worked with a gentleman once that liked to do the fist bump. He was a lovely, personable, middle-aged white man. We talked frequently about everything under the sun. When we would leave for the day, he would initiate the fist bump in front of people in my age bracket that knew that the first bump was not in style. This would render me helpless. I had two options: (1) go through with the first bump or (2) leave my friend hanging.

Since I am a people person I went through with it and walked away with "I just ate McDonald's and I need to find a toilet" speed.

The Dap Project (HFAM)

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