Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

LIFE - Bad Breath

I occasionally brush my teeth before I go to bed. My dentist always hassles me to do so. She says that you only get one set of teeth and that you should cherish them. I wish more people were told this. She goes so far as to make up fake gum diseases to scare me into better hygiene habits.

Stank, the step brother of Stink, breath is a horrible offense that should be punishable with death by stoning. I would support "Stank Breath Taxes." Under this law, anyone that is found with stank breath would be forced to pay extra taxes at the end of the year.

The only thing that is worse than stank breath is a woman with stank breath. How nasty of a woman do you have to be that your breath stanks. If a woman has stank breath, you have every right to wonder what else on her body stinks. Does she reuse tampons? Yes that question is stank but it is legitimate.

If Double Mint is not working for you. If icebreakers become warm when you pop them in your mouth. Please do not give up. You only get one set of teeth.

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